Monday, May 10, 2010

Doggie President Lizzy sent u.s troops

Doggie President Lizzy,the dog, Ordered Doggie U.S army chief of staff of the u.s army,to have 50000 u.s army rangers and 600,000 Royal bristh marines and 70,000 French Troops, from where they are in Afghanistan,to flew by U.S Miltary c-130 transport planes to Isamabed,Pakistan,help the Pakistan Miltary Fight the Pakiastani Tailban insurgents,who earlier sent 50,000 opretives to new york city,to set off a suicde bomb in new york,city's time sqaure.
There are more reports of the north korean army sending their troops into downtown san diegio,calioforina, to help the iranian miltarty,hezbollth and hamas insurgents in a very violent war and firefight, against the united states and nato miltarty forces, along with the south korean army, who just had their troop walk off landing crafts ,from the naval fleet, which is cruising off the coast of san diegio.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Somli Pirates ship trying to high jack ship.

The Crusie Liner named pacific Princess,trying to head to the pacific ocean ,from the waters, off san diego,cailforina,where that very violent war between The united States,bristh,french,and South korean Fighting against The Iranian-North Korean and Hezbollth,Hamas and other insurgents miltarty forces.
A Russian naval ship is on patrol in the pacifc ocean spots the Somlia Pirate ship try to chase after and hijack,Captain Merril's Stubblins Princess Cruise ocean liner, The Russian navy contact the u.s navy ships in the area, to let them,know,they are in the waters.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Very Violent Rap singers coming to help with bomb

While Evil pinhead Reatiy tv stars Russell Hantz,Boston Rob Marino and Jeff Probst are very busy planting enough bombs in their suv,in front of a very area in Down town New York city,where all the broadway theaters are located,THE The Trigger happy psychopath paid killer named Ropert Boneham who is standing guard, while those other tv reaity stars are busy getting that bomb to be set up to blow a very busy entertaniment of New york city,a very speeding porche sports cars,to where they are, 3 very violent rap music singers open the windows of their in,Their names are Flavor Flav,Profeesor Griff and Rick Ross,they start firing their heavy weapons at scary Looking Hitman Ropert Boneham,the 2 very brave doggie F.B.I Agents wearing bullett proofvests, call for More F.B.I Agents to come to where they are ,to help them in this very violent gun battle,those 200 Hezbolth insurgents pull out their greande Launchers and ak-47 machine guns and start firing their weapons at those very violent rap music singers,the rap singers car,gets blown up by the greande Launchers,20,000 New York city police cars,with 30,000 New york city police officers have all ready made to the area, where that bomb is planted , a new york city bomb squad unit is stand by.
40,000 F.B.I AGENTS and 50,000 U.S.Army Green Beret SPEAIAL Forces commandos very well also,justed arrived to the since.
There is a very Violent Gun battle gun battle going in the city ,streets of new york city, at least 10 Hezbloth insurgents have been killed in the gun battle.
Those Pinhead tv reatity stars run off like a bunch of harmless wimps,Those 2 very brave Doggie F.B.I Agents named Judy and Seven,along with help from 3 very help full Doggie Tourists vising new york city,who are also well armed their names are scrappy,daisy and ginger who are all carrying 357 magnum hand guns ,who help those 2 Doggie F.B.I Agents,corner and arrest those Pinhead reatiy tv stars,but that scraey looking Ropert Bonehom refused to drop his weapons,the 2 doggie F.B.I Agents shot him in his legs, to get him, to drop his weapon.
The New York City Police Bomb unit had to wait till the gun battle was over to get near the bomb and dis arm from blowing a section of downtown new york city.
Doggie President Lizzy,the Dog,had Pippin,the dog,the head of homeland Secuirty,here in new york city, go to where that violent gun battle is going on between the new york city police deptment and the F.B.I Agents and those U.S army speaial forces commandos.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Trouble in Times Square, in New York city.

evil Russell Hantz,and Jeff Probst and deranged very violent killer for hire named Rupert Boneham is standing guard holding a street sweepers pump shotgun , while 30 Hezbollth insurgents are planted a bomb in a parked suv, in Time Square.
But 2 doggie F.B.I Agents dressed as tourists in new york city, who are named Judy and Seven the dogs, they are well armed, they just called for more F.B.I Agents come out at time square,and these 3 pinheads and insurgents setting off the bomb, they planing to set off in Time Square.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Trouble in new york city.

ON the same flight ,that Iranian President Mahmound AhMADIDINJD CAME TO New York city,to speak at the UNITED Nations,there were 500 members from the terroirst group called Egyptian Isamic Jihad were at the united nations ,dressed as tourists,who sudeenly pulled out heavy Weapons at the united nations and were wearing suicde vests, The Degraned PRESIDENT OF Iran ,ran as fast as could out of the UNITED NATIONS,stole meet BY Irainan DIPLOMATS AND DROVE HIM TO THE Iranian Embassy,to hide out.

fire fight still going on at nyc airport.

with the blown up airliner in flames,The suring Hezbloth Insurgents kept shooting their heavy weapons,at the new york city police s.w.a.t Members,Commaned by theo,the dog, along 5000 F.B.I Agents and 6000 U.S Army Delta commandos firing back at the Helazboth insurgents, at jfk airport,in new york city.
50 more well armed u.s army ranger blackhawk heilcopters started flying over the hezbolth insurgents,firging their m-16 machine guns at the heavly insurgents on the ground.
There were 3000 well armed a.t.f agents there to help.
More New York City police were called to help and seal of all exits of the airport, so none of the 4000 Hezboth terriosts can escape from the airport.
Jenny,Lauire,and Jenny younger Sister named Dana,along another very beauiful fashion model Named Lacey who has very beauiful brown hair was wearing her low corset ,waiting inside the airport, becassuse their flight to London,England, was canceled becasuse of the terriost attack here at the airport.
Doggie U.S president Lizzie,the dog, will doggie white house miltary aid U.S Army LT.Col Jeepers the dog, will flown the doggie white house, to watch how things go at the airport.
Lauire,Jenny,Dana,and their New Friend named Lacey went to the nearest bar, at the airport, sat down at the bar and drank 60 glasses of scotch and 70 bottle of beer,Lauire's 3 very lound and cranky and dogs, named Daisy,Ginger and scrappy were there watching them drink.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Iranian President Mahmound Ahmadinjad, in nyc.

The Iranian President named Mahmound Ahmainjad is here in new york city, speaking at the un, in new york city, the doggie un AMBASSODOR Named Pipin, the dog is yelling and barking at the iranian president, who really needs a shave and english lessons.
New York city POLICE Department saw a very a old twa airliner land at JFK Airport, it just landed a few secounds ago, doggie and human airport air travel controlers tried to contact the pliots on the old twa airliner on one of runaways, at new york city's Jfk airport,so the human air traffic controlers called the New York city POLICE ,and also the New York CITY F.B.I FIELD OFFICE, 200 new york city police officers wearing s.w.a.t outfits, all well armed with m-60 machine guns, 600 doggie and human f.b.i agents in blackhawk heilcopters.
The F.B.I Agents at the airport, had the u.s army fly in 700 members of the u.s army delta forces, one of the doggie u.s army delta force commando named shaffer, blew the door to the old twa airliner off by puting consseeion explovies or bomb on the door of the airliner, the expivlolie or bomb on the door of the plane, blew open the door of the old twa airliner, out came of the old twa airliner, 70 well armed Hezbolah insurgents started running off the airliner shooting the f.b.i agents ,the new york city police officers and u.s army delta force commando shooting their heavy weapons from armed u.s humvvess.
600 u.s army black hawk heilcopters started firing their machine guns down at the 7000 well armed Hezbollah insurgents were on the runway shooting at anything.
one Hezbollth insurgent wearing a suicde bomb vest went back aboard the airliner, set it his suicde vest bomb blew himself and the airliner blew up.
THE Doggie of new york, called doggie u.s PRESIDENT Lizzie,the dog, at the doggie white house.
So pinhead nutcase named chuck who said he worked for the c.i.a, the new york city police or the f.b.i agents and u.s army delta force commandos did belive him, the head f.b.i agent at the airport, named sydney the dog ,that pinhead named chuck arrested and turn over to the new york police deptment to put in jail,here in new york city.
doggie u.s army chief of named jet, had 1000 u.s heilcoter gun ships and also 60 f-16 fighter bombers to the airport in new york city, to help out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

President of Bolivia is being flown to jeepers city.

4000,u.s army delta force members are flying Bolivian President Evo Morles to the u.s naval base prison in Cuba, to he held to be given a mitlatary trail,there.
Rap music singers crimanals, the game, and T.I.AND 5000 Cuban troops who try to help him, escape from there.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Iranian and OTHER evil armys have made to the us.

About 600,000 Iranian, Hrzbolth, Hamas, Taliban and AL QAIDA insurgents, along with troops from North KOREA AND Venezuela, just crossed the u.s -mexican border in Tucsan ,Arizona, trying to fight off u.s army rangers and 6000 well armed u.s border patrols agents.

Evil Russell Hantz and Mullah Omar get away.

during this very violent gun battle between human and texas rangers,u.s army delta force commandos, with the 600 taliban insurgents in russell hantz's office ,in Austin,tx,Another degraned Leader of a pakistan Islamist terroists with ties to Iran and al Qaeda,who's Leader is named sheikh Achmed had his very violent group of insurgents,who came from some where in the mountains in Afaganistan,were flown here into the united states,in old american airliner, at russel hantz privite airfield outside, Austin ,tx.
Russell Hantz, and taliban leader mullah omar and the taliban insurgents who were not shot and the texas rangers and u.s army delta force commandos.
Evil Corporte raider Gordon Gekko is waiting for that evil villan and evil tailban leader and his surving insurgents who have to go up 50 floors to roof,there is a private heilcopter with Gordon Gekko inside,with the engine, waiting for them to get aboard his heilcopter, once aboard his private heilcoter,Gordon Gekko and his trigger pilot plan fly Russell Hantz and Taliban Leader Mullah Omar and other terriots leader named sheikh Achmed and those surving taliban insurgents to New YORK CITY, TO HIDE AT HIS 60 story penthouse, to standing a invasion of Iranian ,North Korean and Hamas,and Hezbollth militants.